I went to MSU-IIT, primarily to watch and shoot the futsal games in their annual Palakasan. But I thought taking photos of other sports as well. So here a few of them. The futsal games.…
Tagged By msu-iit
MSU-IIT Job Fair
I got this information from the MSU-IITians Facebook account: Dear Employers and Jobseekers, Please join the BIGGEST JOB FAIR in Iligan City The MSU-IIT Mega Job Fair on April 3 and 4, 2012 8:00am to…
Ready to Go Beyond
I first heard this in It’s More Fun in Iligan group in Facebook posted by BobNewYork. In the description: “The Graduation Song of Batch 2012 of the Iligan Institute of Technology of the Mindanao State…
MSU IIT Opens Classes on January 9
MSU-IIT Chancellor Sukarno D. Tanggol announced on December 28 of last year that the school will resume its class on January 9.