A high school friend of mine is selling an anti-leptospirosis medicine Doxycycline at P89.oo per box, without any markup price. You pay for the shipping, as the seller is Cebu City based.
Contact him for more details: text or call 09483194734 (smart) and 09239735986 (sun). His name is Awah Liong Jr.
Iligan City has officially declared a “leptospirosis outbreak” after a series of reported cases and even death.
Leptospirosis usually comes out after a flood.
According to leptospirosis.org:
What is leptospirosis?
Leptospirosis, also known as canicola fever, hemorrhagic jaundice, infectious jaundice, mud fever, spirochetal jaundice, swamp fever, swineherd’s disease, caver’s flu or sewerman’s flu, is a bacterial infection resulting from exposure to the Leptospira interrogans bacterium. There is an acute form of human infection known as Weil’s disease, where the patient suffers from jaundice, though this term is often (incorrectly) used to describe any case of infection. Weil’s disease is comparatively rare, though ‘mild’ cases of leptospirosis happen everywhere there are carriers, and it is believed that leptospirosis is one of the most common zoonotic infections in the world. Millions of people are infected each year, but information and treatment can be limited, especially in the developed world where cases are considered ‘rare’ by the medical community. The goal of the LIC website has been to increase awareness of the infection and how to manage the risks, with clear advice and guidance for all aspects of work and leisure.
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