Helping the Lambaguhon Sendong Victims

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Lambaguhon Area was the first point of impact of the rampaging flood caused by typhoon Sendong.

A group of 15 kindhearted volunteers led by Jeddy Andam from One for Iligan Movement initiated by Iligan Bloggers Society, Inc. went to Purok Adelfa in Lambaguhon Area to give hot arroz caldo, sleeping matte and blanket to about 70 people.

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Iligan Bloggers Society (IBS) and the volunteers used the military vehicle to transport the donations. We left around 5:30 from Calda Pizza as our jump off point.

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Down ahead was once a house of the Dayaganon family of eight people, seven of them died, one survived, an 11 year old boy.

There were about 40 houses used to stand here, only a quarter remained. During the flooding, only 5 people chose to stay, while the rest fled Purok Adelfa.

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Preparing the arroz caldo to be distributed to the waiting hungry stomach composed mostly of kids.

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One of the military escort, and the Barangay Kagawad Danilo Cortes.

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The volunteers are loving their work.

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Almost done with the arroz caldo distribution.

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Lisa Mirasol of, is assisting the recipients of the donations to write their names.

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Adelfans waiting to receive their bed sheet and sleeping matte.

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The 50 pieces of bed sheets, sometimes used as blanket by most Filipinos are now ready to be given.

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Sleeping matte or banig is separated to be given to the recipients of Lambaguhon.

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Aurora Oyoa, the first to received the sleeping matte and habol (blanket).

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